Saturday, January 21, 2012

Tattoos on this town

My senior year in collage I was apart of an art show - every senior interior design student did a display of a concept we learned during our four years in the program. I used shadow boxes in part of my display and finally got the out of storage from Utah (5 years later). Ever since July I've been trying to think of something to do in them. I finally settled on this for one of them:
Some of you know I LOVE tattoos and graffiti (not that I'd ever get one or actually take a can of spray paint and paint a wall around town) but I love seeing it. On my train ride from Albany, NY to Baltimore, MD I saw lots of awesome street art and took tons of pictures so I decided to own up to my secret and display some promenently in my art room.

I have another idea for my other shadow box ... it's going to be amazing, but you'll just have to wait to find out what it is.

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