Sunday, March 29, 2009

God is in the Details

So this weekend I've been thinking a lot about this Mis Van der Rohe quote: "God is in the details". How true this statement is. He has said that not even a hair on our heads shall be lost, and that not even a sparrow falls without His notice. How can we think that He is not intimately involved in every aspect of our lives. We just have to trust in Him and have the patience to trust in His timing. He knows us and will lead and guide us if we let Him.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

This above all, to thine own self be true

I love the words of Shakespeare, he had such insight into human nature. Every time I here this line I think of the movie "Renaissance Man" and the rap the army class did with these words. Being true to yourself: your thoughts, your actions, your character, your beliefs. It sounds easy, but is it? How many times have we shrunk back from sticking up for our beliefs? Or have our actions not be in accordance to what, and who we are as Children of the Most High God? How many times have we had "untrue" thoughts about ourselves? I know I've stuggled with being ture to myself ... I am a people pleaser to the core and have caught myself on numerous occassions "becoming" what I thought other people wanted me to be. I've become better at staying true to me in the recent past and am striving to be better at it. My friends can now tell when I'm saying something I don't truly believe and call me out on it, so it helps. One instance was that night in institue I wrote about earlier... I said I was okay with what was said cause I didn't know how to articulate what I was thinking, and didn't want to cause an arguement and my friend called me out on it, but I couldn't put my thoughts together so I let it go.
I've come to realize there are really only two people you have to answer to in the end anyway, Yourself and the Lord. So what everyone else thinks really doesn't matter at all.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Anger, Fear and Depression

So Thursday in institute one of the guys made a comment that anger, fear and depression always come from the devil. I had to disagree but at the time could not articulate my thoughts so I thought I'd blog about it.
I believe the feelings of anger, fear and depression are God given ... it's how we act on those feelings that Satan tries to influence.
Christ himself felt Anger (and He's sinless so anger in itself can't be bad) What did He do with His anger? - He cleansed the temple of all that was impure i.e. the moneychangers. It's what we choose to do with the anger that can be unrighteous... do we forgive, or hold a grudge? do we make needed corrections (if we have that authority) or do we let it simmer?
Fear in itself is healthy ... it warns us of danger. I can see how he could think that maybe the fear of the unknown may come from Satan but again I think it's natural to fear that which we do not know, it's what we do with that fear (do we let it paralyze our actions or do we push past the fear) that can be influenced. Fear can also be a consequence of sin or lack of preparation i.e. doing the things we're suppose to... it says in the scripture if we are prepared we shall not fear, inversely if we are not prepared we shall fear ... fear what? the judgements of God, maybe? Again, we are suppose to be a God FEARING people, so fear in itself cannot be from Satan if to Fear God is a commandment.
Depression is one of two things: a chemical imbalance in the brain (which we have no control over so I will not discuss further except to say we can not judge a person because they're depressed) or the consequence of sin. So again it's what we choose to do with the feeling (to change wrong behavior or stay on the wrong path).
Satan has little influence on how and what we feel ... he does however have influence on how we act on our feelings if we let him. It's all about the power to choose.