Saturday, December 8, 2012

About this time every year

About this time every year the Christmas decoration get taken out. maybe. I have a hard time decorating for Christmas when it's just me here in my house. Sure the roommates are here this year but I still am having a hard time mustering the enthusiam to decorate. I've got the mantle done and the tree in up - not decorated just up and the only reason it's up to be honest is that my roommate recieved a package that needed to go under the tree. I feel bad for my "why bother" attitude.

About this time every year I get lonely. I start to really miss my family. It doesn't matter that I talk to them on the phone every week I want them around me. Listening to my dad read "The Life and Adventures of St. Nicholas" (Dad if your reading this shouldn't you be starting to send me MP3 files of the recording soon).

About this time every year I wish I had someone to cuddle with. This year I have this guy:
but he's not really into cuddling and I don't think he likes me very much. PS-he needs a home. He's only here till the end of the year then he's got to go so if you like big puppies and this adorable face I may have the pup for you! He could be someone's Christmas present! Having him go to a good home would be my Christmas present.