Monday, August 8, 2011

What is enough?

Last night I was talking with my daddy on the phone about spiritual experiences we've had recently and he brought up a Priesthood blessing he once gave that has really gotten me thinking. He blessed this man that when he had enough faith he would be healed. This seemed unusal to my dad because this man consitantly demonstrates the faith it usually takes to be healed. After thinking about it for weeks he came to the realization that he didn't say the normal amount of faith required to be healed, he said enough, and maybe the normal amount of faith wasn't enough for this man anymore, Heavenly Father wanted him to develop more faith.

I think of that as I am going through struggles and watch my friends go through hard things. I'm not perfect, neither are my friends, but we are doing the best we can and are striving to live up to our Heavenly Father's expectations and I would normally think our faith was 'enough.' But maybe, just maybe Heavenly Father has raised the 'enough' bar of our faith and is trying to help us grow and rely more fully on Him.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I strongly believe that our faith is constantly growing; there are no plateau periods. There can't be. either we're progressing or regressing. Heavenly Father definitely watches out for us, and sometimes what seems like a hard struggle is really just a learning experience in the making; something to help us increase our faith in Him, and appreciate our Savior's sacrifice more fully.
