"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: 'tis dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated."
— Thomas Paine (The American Crisis)
One year ago today a rocket propelled explosive in Afghanistan hit it's mark and killed one of this countries finest. He's just a number to most people, a statistic, but to those of us who knew Ben Chisholm it was a day that tore at our hearts. Ben was the clown of the group, the one that could always put a smile on your face - even when you didn't want to smile. He gave the best hugs in the world. He loved unconditionally and was fiercely loyal to his friends and his country. Ben left a wife behind - a pregnant wife. He now has a daughter that he never got to hold, a child that will grow up hearing stories about her daddy but never getting to experience his bone crushing hugs, or a late night chat.
Nope, freedom is not free. There are men and women who daily sacrifice themselves for the freedoms of others. Who love their country and mankind more then their lives. There are wives and husbands that raise families alone while spouses are deployed - with lonely nights and Skype where a spouse should be. There are children that grow up without a mother or a father.
So today, my thanks goes to all the men and women who payed the price for the freedom I enjoy. May we never forget how steep a price that was.
Well said.. I have several extended family serving in the military. Ben will always be remembered by those who he touched their lives.