Friday, March 23, 2012

Look and you will find

The human mind is a very interesting machine. Have you ever noticed how selective our attention is? How we can tune into certain things and tune others things out? For example, if I told you to find 6 things in the room that are blue you will find that blue objects jump out at you. Or say you just bought a new car – you tend to see the same model car everywhere. That is because we find what we are looking for.

If you look for beauty, you will find beauty. If you look for drama, you will find drama. If you look for happiness, you will find happiness. If you look for the good in others, you will find it. If you look for faults, you'll find those too. It's all a matter of the channel you are tuned into.

Sometimes when things are rough we focus on the negative and thus only find the negative in life – I've been stuck in this trap many times. But if we instead focus on the positive – even if it's just little positives – the rough times are still there but we're able to see the good that comes out of them.

My challenge to you and to me is to look for the positive – find the beauty in life and enjoy your journey, even if it's on a bumpy road.

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