Wednesday, November 16, 2011


As the end of the year approaches I have thought a lot about goals. I tend to make goals and then never plan how to achieve them so there they sit by the wayside in some dark corner of my mind. I was reading "Eldest" the second book in the Inheritance series and came across a wonderful thought:
This is my brother and his adorable son on our
Thanksgiving hike 2 years ago
It doesn't matter what if we ever reach our goal as long as we are on the path to achieve it. It is in the journey that we learn and grow not in the actual accomplishment of a goal. Sure the feeling of finally accomplishing something we set out to do is awesome but I think I focus to much on the end and not enough on the in between. So this year as I set my goals for next year I will plan how to achieve them with the thought in mind that it is the journey not the goal that really matters.

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