Thursday, November 17, 2011

Like a Lighthouse

I made this years ago for a roommate of mine that loved the poem. It is a compilation of a random lighthouse picture from the internet and a well known print of Christ from a LDS artist that escapes my memory (If you happen to know who painted it please remind me in the comments).
Over the years it's been a reminder to me of who to look toward for guidence when life gets tough - that even though there may be rocky shores ahead if we look to Jesus Christ and follow His example we can safely navigate the rough waters home.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


As the end of the year approaches I have thought a lot about goals. I tend to make goals and then never plan how to achieve them so there they sit by the wayside in some dark corner of my mind. I was reading "Eldest" the second book in the Inheritance series and came across a wonderful thought:
This is my brother and his adorable son on our
Thanksgiving hike 2 years ago
It doesn't matter what if we ever reach our goal as long as we are on the path to achieve it. It is in the journey that we learn and grow not in the actual accomplishment of a goal. Sure the feeling of finally accomplishing something we set out to do is awesome but I think I focus to much on the end and not enough on the in between. So this year as I set my goals for next year I will plan how to achieve them with the thought in mind that it is the journey not the goal that really matters.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Letter to my Favorite Client

Dear Client:

It would make my job so much easier and yours as well if you would give me ALL the information to begin with. I do not appreciate doing work multiple time because you forgot or didn't feel certain information was important enough to pass on until I sent you what you asked for.

So in the future, PLEASE I BEG YOU, give me all the information first thing even the stuff you don't think is important.


Monday, November 7, 2011

A Lesson in Common Sense

If you are sick - stay home.

It's the nice thing to do. Especially if you know it is contagious i.e. you "got it" from someone else.

The excuse that "I can be home and miserable or at church being spiritually fed and miserable" is no excuse to subject your friends to your germs. If you want to be spiritually feed... read your scriptures, watch a church movie, listen to a few conference talks - by yourself.

Don't infect your friends and make them miserable. That is rude.

You may not care about your health but I care about mine and don't have time to be sick and miserable so do everyone a favor and go to the doctor and put yourself in quarantine.