Friday, October 7, 2011

To Act or the be Acted Upon

To act or to be acted upon really is the eternal decision. It's the choice we had to make in the beginning when all the hosts of heaven gathered around Heavenly Father to hear His plan and watched in amazement as someone had the nerve to counter that plan with another. Then, as now, we had a choice to make: do we choose to:
           a) follow Father and His plan guaranteeing our ability to continue being "agents unto ourselves", the freedom to make deicisions for ourselves - to act of our own accord
           b) follow Lucifer - forever relinquishing your power to act to him, becoming his agent - to always be acted upon.

We chose 'a', others chose 'b'

And now the choice continues to have to be made everyday. Do we:
            a) choose to keep the commandments of God and make/keep sacred covenants with Him and therefore preserve our ability to think and act for ourselves
            b) choose to follow after our own 'natural' appetites and desires, turn away from the commands of God and slowly bind ourselves to Lucifer and become enslaved to him and those very appetites and desires - to be acted upon by the whims and fancies of the world and the master it chooses to serve.

Some are choosing 'a', far more seem to be choosing 'b'

And so it will continue - for as long as we are progressing the question will always be before us. Do I continue to act and thereby progress or do I want to be acted upon and stop my progression? How far we go will always be up to us.

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