Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Harry Potter

In honor of the last installment of the Harry Potter movies I decided to finally read the books. I finished the last one two weeks ago and I must admit I like them (you can say I told you so later). Usually I go to the midnight showings but this year my parents are in town and we are going to a play together and I figured getting out of the play at 11 and getting a decent seat at a midnight showing was impossible so a friday afternoon showing will have to do. (plus dragging my bum out of bed for work is hard when I go to bed at 11 I can't imagine how difficult it'd be if I went to bed at 4ish.) Anywho, my sis-in-law posted a HP questionaire on her blog and I decided to steal it, so with out further ado here it is:

#1. Who is your favorite character?
That would be Dobby. I cried when he died - at the theater and while reading the book.

#2. Who is your least favorite character?

Delores Umbridge, she makes my skin crawl

#3. If you were one of the Professors who would you be?

Filius Flitwick - no short jokes, please

#4. If you were one of the students who would you be?
Luna Lovegood

#5. Which one is most like you- Harry, Hermione, or Ron?

I'm a mix between Ron and Hermione - I could be thier daughter
#6. Which house would you be in?


#7. What position would you play in quidditch?
Beater - I've got a bunch of aggression I would love to take out.
#8. Which owl would you be? Hedwig the Snowy Owl, Errol the Great Gray Owl, Pigwidgeon the Little Owl, or Percy's Screech Owl?

#9. Which would you bring to Hogwarts- an owl, cat, or toad?
An owl - I want to be like all the cool kids
#10. Which subject would you be best at?
Care of Magical Creatures. I like wierd animals

#11. Which subject would you be worst at?
Herbology. My thumb is black, if I just look at a plant it dies.

#12. Which store would interest you the most in Hogsmeade?
Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes

#13. Who would you want to go with to the Yule Ball?
Do I have to go? If I must I'd go with Fred or George, they'd keep me laughing all night

#14. Who would be your number 1 enemy?
Lucius Malfoy, I really don't like him!

#15. What would your patronas be?
A Squirrel. I like squirrels.

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