Monday, June 13, 2011

I have a confession...

Yesterday I was lounging around chatting with some friends when I let it slip that I don't like to decorate. "GASP! But, Sandy, you're an interior designer?! How can you not like decorating?!"

Well, it's like this, I'm more of a big picture kind of gal, a problem solver so to speak. There's a reason I went into commercial design and not residential.

I like the problem solving aspect of making things fit when it really doesn't seem possible (and believe me everyone wants way more in their space then in reality can actually fit). Sometimes it take hours to arrange the puzzle in just the right way that it all works (and meets code -a pesky little thing- and ADA guidelines -also very pesky) and sometimes I feel like throwing in the towel and saying it can't be done. But when the solution comes - it's glorious and gives me a high.

If I'm being completely honest I'd say I also don't like selecting finishes, I don't mind it (I do realize the importance of a good overall color scheme) but I don't enjoy it either.

But what I really don't care about is the accessories you put in the space and let's be honest here, that's what residential design really is - accessorizing, yuck.

Don't get me wrong I love arranging MY accessories and shopping for just the right accents for MY house. But don't ask me to do it for yours. I'd be more than happy to arrange your furniture for ultimate space utilization but I don't care what you put on your mantel or bookshelves or walls; it's your space - do what makes you happy. Where to put your owl collection is not my problem.

1 comment:

  1. oh Sandy, I love you and your little secrets. This just made my day
