Thursday, March 10, 2011

First Memories

Recently I was asked about my favorite memory, if you know me well you'd know I don't have favorites of much of anything, but it got me thinking of all the fun times I had growing up and got me searching my memory for the very first thing I remember in this world. At first I thought about the night my dad hit a doe, a deer - a female deer (I digress)... I can still see it's big eyes in the headlights as the car got closer till BAM! the deer was dead, and the front of the car - mangled, we were on our way to a friends house to eat dinner because it was our last night in Tennessee - we drove/moved cross country to California the next day. But really that wasn't my very first memory, a month earlier my little bro was born and I distinctly remember going shopping for a present for him ... digging through the bin of stuffed animals with my older sibblings, past the teddy bears, the elephants, and whatever else was in there and selecting ... wait for it (this was really good, well worth the wait) ... a cow puppet!! Yes, that's right, a cow puppet, because every baby boy needs a stuffed cow. (He may still have it- or more likely it's at my house in storage- but I think it's still around) So there you have it my first memory.

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